Emily Angulo, comparte su pasión por la danza en TusuyKusun Project.

I love Tobas because it’s challenging. You have to stay on rhythm with the footsteps and you have to remember all of the footwork. I love it.

I intentionally wanted to start with dancing the Tinkus because it represents the indigenous side of our Bolivian culture. When I dance, it’s almost like it’s spiritual. It’s prayer, I feel the music in my blood and I feel pride and happiness. I’m in the zone and I just I go with the flow. It’s a beautiful way to express my devotion and pride for my indigenous roots.

I knew when I was in elementary school that I wanted to dance. I thought, one day I’m going to join a dance group, wear the traje (costume) and dance at parades. It’s actually more than this. These fraternidades end up being your family.